Guidelines for presenters
This page contains information and guidelines for all presenters, whether it be for an oral or poster presentation, a round table (previous ‘workshop’), or a state-of-the-art symposium.
We’d like to remind you of our language guidelines. Please read them carefully, and contact us with all your remaining questions!
Oral presentations in parallel sessions
All selected oral presentations in the stream sessions will be 10-12 minutes in length (plus 2-3 minutes for Q&A).
We strongly advise all presenters to prepare their talks using PowerPoint (and not alternate presentation software). Please use size Widescreen (16:9). A media projector with a PC laptop (not MAC) will be provided for in each conference room. It is advisable to bring more than one format (e.g., both a memory stick and email-able version) as a backup.
Presenters are asked to be present in the conference room 15 minutes before the start of their session, so all materials can be installed before the sessions begin. Contact your chair person upon arrival (program uploaded end of June).
Please email requests for other audio visual equipment to so that the feasibility can be determined ahead of time.
Poster presentations
The Poster Session takes place in the Philosopher’s building (ground floor, next to the Audimax main building). EPATH staff and volunteers will be available for you at the box office for any questions regarding your poster set up.
The attended poster session is scheduled to take place Thursday September 4th from 17:00-18:00. It is highly preferred that the first-author presents the poster. As a corollary, poster presenters must register and attend the meeting for the poster to be presented. EPATH will announce the first Poster Award during the conference.
Non registered poster presenters will not be allowed to present their poster. Only selected posters are allowed to be displayed. Posters displayed must be sized maximally 1.00m x 2.00m and have to be vertically oriented.
Selected posters should be set up before this attended session and must be displayed for the remainder of the conference. Posters from the same research group should be distinct from one another, even if the data are derived from the same research project. Poster presenters are responsible for poster set up as well as taking down their poster.
State-of-the-art Symposia
A State-of-the-Art Symposium consists of multiple presentations followed by a Q&A session. The total time allotted for each symposium is 60 minutes, with 30 minutes for Q&A. This means that presenters are free to decide on the distribution of time.
State-of-the-Art Symposia include cutting edge research, cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approaches in transgender health. Symposia typically have 3 to 5 presenters. Preference has been given to symposia that are topically relevant and feature speakers across disciplines or geographical regions.
Round Tables
A round table is an interactive discussion in the format of a workshop on a subject in which participants share their knowledge and experiences from their professional and geographical backgrounds. The time allotted for a round table is 90 minutes, the discussion with the rest of the audience included.
Keynote presentations
Every keynote presenter has 15 minutes for their presentation, followed by a short Q&A.
In preparing your keynote lecture, when using PowerPoint, use the size Widescreen (16:9) which is the default slide size in Microsoft PowerPoint 2013, 2016 and 365. Click here to learn how to change your size settings if you have size Standard (4:3) slides.
In case you will use video’s or voice recordings/sound, please contact us at