EPATH’s 2nd Summer School:

Transgender health: Interdisciplinary approaches

(July 1 – July 5, 2024)

EPATH hosted its second Summer School at Ghent University in Belgium from July 1st to July 5th, 2024. The programme, titled ‘Transgender Health: Interdisciplinary Approaches,’ attracted 64 participants from 26 different countries. The overall satisfaction rate was 8.1 out of 10, and we are fully committed to organizing the Summer School again in 2026! EPATH extends its gratitude to all speakers for their valuable contributions and to all participants for their dedication to transgender health. You can find a photo of the 2024 class below:

Curious about the Summer School’s evaluation? Click here!

Scientific Committee
  • Alessandra Fisher (University of Florence, IT)
  • Annelou de Vries (Amsterdam UMC, NL)
  • Iva Žegura (University of Zagreb, HR)
  • Joz Motmans (UZ Gent, BE)
  • Koray Başar (Hacettepe University, TR)
  • Laura Garner (Nottingham Centre for Transgender Health, UK)
  • Mudje Özer (VUmc, NL)
  • Piet Hoebeke (UZ Gent, BE)
  • Timo Nieder (UMC Hamburg-Eppendorf, DE)

With the support of the Flemish Government and Ghent University Doctoral Schools