Call for Abstracts
EPATH cordially invites researchers and professionals in the field of transgender health to submit abstracts for the upcoming 6th EPATH conference.
Abstracts can be submitted in one or more of the following streams:
- Mental health (Adults)
- Mental Health (Children and Adolescents)
- Endocrinology
- Social and Political Sciences
- Surgery
- Law, Policy and Ethics
- Voice and Communication
- Reproductive health
- Education
- Primary Care
In case you are unsure if your abstract fits in one of the streams, or you want to suggest an additional stream, please contact us at If your abstract is a multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary research, or if you are submitting a proposal for a Roundtable or a State-of-the-Art Symposium, you can choose the option ‘Multidisciplinary‘.
EPATH accepts submissions for Oral and Poster presentations, Round Tables (previously ‘workshop’) and State-of-the-Art mini-symposia. Please find more information for each format:
Oral presentation
An oral presentation is a 10 minute presentation with Q&A afterwards about a study or topic in transgender healthcare or research. The abstract for an oral presentation is structured in Background / Methods / Results and Conclusions. Please keep your abstract to a maximum of 300 words.
Poster presentation
A poster is a visual presentation of your study results. Poster abstracts are structured in Background / Methods / Results and Conclusions. Students and young researchers are warmly invited to submit poster presentations. Please keep your abstract to a maximum of 300 words.
It is highly preferred that the first-author presents the poster. As a corollary, poster presenters must register and attend the meeting for the poster to be presented. EPATH will announce the first Poster Award during the conference.
Non registered poster presenters will not be allowed to present their poster. Only selected posters are allowed to be displayed. Posters displayed must be sized maximally 1.00m x 2.00m (width x length).
Selected posters should be set up before this attended session and must be displayed for the remainder of the conference. Posters from the same research group should be distinct from one another, even if the data are derived from the same research project. Poster presenters are responsible for poster set up as well as taking down their poster.
Round Table
A round table is an interactive discussion on a subject in which participants share knowledge and experiences. Subjects can include current debates and ethical dilemmas in transgender healthcare, working in specific settings, working with specific groups… Preference will be given to round tables that are topically relevant and feature speakers across disciplines or geographical regions. You might want to choose the topic ‘multidisciplinary‘ in this case when you submit your abstract.
The time allotted for a round table is 90 minutes, Q&A included.
State-of-the-art Symposium
State-of-the-Art Symposia include cutting edge research, cross-cultural and interdisciplinary approaches in transgender health. Symposia typically have 3 to 5 presenters. Preference will be given to symposia that are topically relevant and feature speakers across disciplines or geographical regions. For symposia, one abstract needs to be submitted (maximum 750 words). You might want to choose the topic ‘multidisciplinary‘ in case that fits the symposium best. The time allotted for symposia is 90 minutes, Q&A included.
Abstract submissions must be submitted to the Exordo abstract submission platform by January 27, 2025, 23:59 CEST. Abstracts are reviewed by the Scientific Committee of the stream you submitted your abstract in. Announcements of approved and rejected abstracts will be made in April 2025. If approved, you will get the chance to adjust your abstract before publication in the online program overview.
Please note: all presenting authors are required to register and pay for their attendance at the conference.
The deadline for abstract submission is January 27, 2025, 23:59 CEST.
Guidelines for authors:
- A maximum of 300 words per abstract for Oral Presentation and Poster Presentations
- A maximum of 750 words per abstract for Round Tables and State-of-the-art-symposia.
- A maximum of 3 abstract submissions per presenting author
- Before submitting your abstract, please read our language policy