Follow our EPATH2021 Opening Session Live

The EPATH board holds its promise to organise a free public event as part of each EPATH conference, in which keynote speakers present actual challenges in the academic, clinical and policy domains of transgender health care (read more here about the programme of the...
Registration for the social event is open now!

Registration for the social event is open now!

The EPATH (local) Organising Committee is very pleased to announce that the social event of the 4th EPATH Hybrid Conference in Gothenburg will take place this year! Therefore, all sympathisants are invited to fill in the form below to register for the social event....
Meet your board candidates!

Meet your board candidates!

The current EPATH board is very pleased to present to its members the nominated candidates who have applied to become a board member. We have 9 candidates from several European countries and professions, and invite our members to read their background and vision for...
Ready to go?

Ready to go?

The 4th EPATH Conference is approaching, and before you might go on holiday, here is a quick reminder of what you need to know or need to do: Have you registered yet? Yes? Great! When you have registered for an online ticket, it is still possible to upgrade it to an...
Volunteers wanted!

Volunteers wanted!

The 4th EPATH conference  will take a hybrid format this year for the first time, due to the pandemic situation. This means we need your help in ensuring a smooth online happening! The Organising Committee is looking for 20 volunteers who are willing to act as Stage...
COVID-19 update

COVID-19 update

We would like to inform you about the latest travel regulations concerning COVID-19: Travelling between EEA countries: From the 1st of July you can travel freely again between EEA countries (EU member states + Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway) using the EU Digital...