During our first Summer School on Transgender Health (June 29th – July 1st, 2022, in Ghent, Belgium), EPATH organizes together with the Transgender Infopunt and with the kind support of Ghent city Council, a public event entitled: “Transgender health care from a human rights perspective”. This public event is free and open for a broad public and will take place on Wednesday 29/06/2022 in the Sint-Pieters Abby (Ghent Centre), from 7pm until 10pm.

The roundtable discussion will cover the (r)evolution of transgender healthcare guidelines and the societal and legal challenges from a human rights perspective, such as the depathologisation movement, role of diagnoses, insurance coverage, legal gender recognition,…). The discussion will be followed by a reception.

The participants of the summer school are obliged to attend the public event.

You can register for the public event here.


  • Annelou de Vries (Amsterdam UMC, NL)
  • Ben Vincent (Trans Learning Partnership (TLP), UK)
  • Guy T’Sjoen (UZ Gent/UGent, Past-president EPATH, BE)
  • Pieter Cannoot (UGent, BE)
  • Richard Koehler (TGEU)

Moderation by Jonas Roelens