Programme & Documentation
On this page you can find a quick programme overview and the presentations of the plenary sessions. The final program book can be downloaded here: EPATH 2015 Program Book. The book of abstracts is available here: EPATH 2015 Book of Abstracts.
All available presentations can be downloaded in PDF format by clicking on the presentation title. If you wish to use the presentations, please follow the suggested citation style: Last name, First letter (2015). Title [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from
The sole responsibility for the content of these documents lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of EPATH.
Thursday March 12, 2015
11:00 Opening of Registration Desk – Het Pand
12:00: Documentary “Transgender Pioneers” (Director Erik Willems. NTR/VPRO 2013, 30 minutes, English subtitles).
13:00 – 13:45 Opening Session of the Conference
- Welcome address by Guy T’Sjoen, Joz Motmans, Timo O. Nieder
- Announcement of EPATH Student Initiative by Silvano Barbieri & Jonas Björklund
- Trans health care in Europe: findings from the FRA EU LGBT survey (video) by Dennis van der Veur (European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights)
13:45 – 14:30 Plenary Session I: Henriette Delemarre Memorial Lecture
- Youth with gender incongruence: culture and future by Peggy Cohen-Kettenis (Dept. Medical Psychology, VU University Medical Center, The Netherlands)
14:30 – 16:00 Stream Sessions I
16:00 – 17:00 Coffee break & attended poster session
17:00 – 18:00 Meeting & Networking Opportunities
18:00 – 22:00 Public plenary session: “Human rights and health care for trans people in Europe”
Key notes:
- Caring for transgender adolescents: future perspectives by Annelou De Vries (Dept. Medical Psychology, VU University Medical Center)
- Fertility options for trans people by Petra De Sutter (Dept. Reproductive Medicine, Gent University Hospital, Belgium)
- Human rights for trans people: taking stock of where we are in Europe by Richard Köhler (TGEU)
Friday March 13, 2015
09:00 – 10:45 Plenary Session II: “Transgender health care in Europe: overview and challenges”
Five gender teams presented the organisation of the clinical practices for transgender health care in their country. This recurrent part of the EPATH conference allows countries from different parts of Europe to share clinical services and practices for transgender people. For EPATH2015 the following countries were invited:
- Transgender healthcare in Belgium by Els Elaut (Center for Sexology and Gender, UZ Ghent)
- Transgender healthcare in Germany by Timo O. Nieder (Interdisciplinary Transgender Health Care Center, Dept. Sex Research, UKE Hamburg, Germany)
- Transgender healthcare in Spain by Esther Gómez-Gil & Clara de Castro (Hospital Clinic Barcelona)
- Transgender healthcare in Turkey by Şahika Yüksel (CETAD Istanbul) (Paper Turkey)
- Transgender healthcare in England by John Dean (Devon Partnership NHS Trust)
10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 – 12:45 Multidisciplinary Workshops part I
12:45 – 13:30 Lunch
13:30 – 15:30 Stream Sessions II
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 – 18:00 Multidisciplinary Workshops part II
20:00 – …… Walking Dinner (Het Pand) & After Party
Saturday, March 14, 2015
09:00 – 10:45 Plenary Session IV: “The Year in Review”
A speaker from each stream presented a synoptic review of notable new literature in various subspecialties of transgender care, with a primary focus on studies that had relevance for health care decision making.
- Mental health by Johannes Fuß (Dept. Sex Research, UKE Hamburg, Germany)
- Children & Adolescents by Thomas D. Steensma (VU University Medical Center, The Netherlands)
- Endocrinology by Matthias Auer (Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry, Germany)
- Social Sciences by Joz Motmans (UZ Ghent, Belgium)
- Voice and communication by Marjan Cosyns (UZ Ghent, Belgium)
- Surgery by Stan Monstrey (UZ Ghent, Belgium)
- Law by Alecs Recher (TGEU, Transgender Network Switzerland (TGNS)
10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break
11:15 – 12:45 Stream Sessions III
12:45 – 13:15 Closing ceremony & announcement of the next EPATH conference