Guidelines for presenters
This page contains information and guidelines for all presenters, whether it be for an oral or poster presentation, a round table (previous ‘workshop’), or a state-of-the-art symposium. As this year’s conference will be hybrid, i.e. both online and on-site lectures, we will work with Webex. This is the software that will be used later to access the live stages at the event so it’s worth getting familiar with it now. It is necessary to download Webex before the conference starts.
- Create your Webex account:
- Download an add the Cisco Webex Extension to Google Chrome – this will be necessary to join the live sessions online.
Also, we’d like to remind you of our language guidelines. Please read them carefully, and contact us with all your remaining questions!
Oral presentations in plenary sessions
All oral plenary sessions consisting of keynote lectures take live from the auditorium in Gothia Towers. These sessions will be live-streamed via the Ex Ordo digital platform for those registered conference participants who are not on-site. These plenary lectures will be recorded and uploaded afterwards.
In preparing your keynote lecture, when using PowerPoint, use the size Widescreen (16:9) which is the default slide size in Microsoft PowerPoint 2013, 2016 and 365. Click here to learn how to change your size settings if you have standard Standard (4:3) slides.
In case you will use video’s or voice recordings/sound, please contact us at
Oral presentations in parallel sessions
An oral presentation is a 10 minute* prerecorded presentation with live Q&A afterwards about a study or topic in transgender healthcare or research. (*For the presenters in the surgery stream, the pre-recorded video should only last 8 minutes!). All oral sessions will be prerecorded and will be followed by an online live Q&A (15 min). Here you can find the information you need:
How do I record my presentation?
We will use what is often called a “picture on picture” recording. There are a variety of options for software that you can use to record picture in picture and this is a great way to add additional engagement and personality to your content. We recommend to use Webex as this program is also used throughout the rest of the conference. On this page you can find detailed instructions on how to record your presentation using Webex meeting software, other recording software or other specialised software.
General instructions for recording and uploading the presentation
- Check the tips for recording audio and video before getting started.
- Start a video call in the program you prefer (Webex, MS Teams, Zoom or Skype).
- Start sharing your slides, for example in PowerPoint.
- Start recording of your presentation.
- Present your slides.
- Access and download your recording in MP4-format. Also check the length of your presentation (10 minutes maximum).
- Upload your recorded video via the digital platform (Ex Ordo), which is the same where you submitted the abstract (see here). You can also find more information about the presentation module in Ex Ordo here.
Who can see my presentation?
These presentations can be viewed prior to the live Q&A by registered participants only, and are posted on the day of your scheduled presentation (either Wednesday 11th, Thursday 12th, or Friday 13th). All registered participants are notified that photography, recording, or reproduction of any kind is not permitted without the explicit consent of any person and/or of the author/presenter/copyright-holder(s) of the material being photographed, recorded or reproduced.
When is the deadline for uploading my presentation?
The deadline to upload your presentation is July 30th.
Poster presentations
A poster presentation is a visual presentation of your study results. In our hybrid conference, and with the aim of holding a more sustainable conference, and thus avoid creating heaps of paper waste, we will use e-posters. Your e-poster will be displayed at the digital platform ExOrdo in either PDF-format or as prerecorded short presentation of 5 minutes*. E-poster presentations are not followed by live Q&A but participants can contact you through the platform ExOrdo if they have questions.
*It is not compulsory to upload a prerecorded video presentation, but this is strongly recommended. A brief explanation will help all participants to understand the full content of the poster.
How do I record my poster presentation?
There are a variety of options for software that you can use to record, but we recommend to use Webex as this program is also used throughout the rest of the conference. On this page you can find detailed instructions on how to record your presentation using Webex meeting software, other recording software or other specialised software.
General instructions for recording and uploading the presentation
- Check the tips for recording audio and video before getting started.
- Start a video call in the program you prefer (Webex, MS Teams, Zoom or Skype).
- Start sharing your poster (in PDF or a one-slide in PowerPoint).
- Start recording of your presentation.
- Present your poster.
- Access and download your recording in MP4-format. Also check the length of your presentation (5 minutes maximum).
- Upload your poster (in PDF) and recorded video via the digital platform (Ex Ordo), which is the same where you submitted the abstract (see here). You can also find more information about the presentation module in Ex Ordo here.
Who can see my presentation?
Your poster (presentation) can be viewed by registered participants only, and are posted on the first day of our conference (Wednesday 11th). All registered participants are notified that photography, recording, or reproduction of any kind is not permitted without the explicit consent of any person and/or of the author/presenter/copyright-holder(s) of the material being photographed, recorded or reproduced.
When is the deadline for uploading my presentation?
The deadline to upload your presentation is July 30th.
State-of-the-art Symposium
A State-of-the-Art Symposium consists of a prerecorded presentation followed by an online live Q&A session. The total time allotted for each symposium is 60 minutes. These State-of-the-Art Symposium only have one abstract in the program, but consist of multiple video presentations (depending on the number of presenters). This means that presenters are free to decide on the distribution of time. Please note that within the 60 minutes, a live Q&A session should also be calculated, ideally lasting at least 15 minutes.
How do I record my presentation?
We will use what is often called a “picture on picture” recording. There are a variety of options for software that you can use to record picture in picture and this is a great way to add additional engagement and personality to your content. We recommend to use Webex as this program is also used throughout the rest of the conference. On this page you can find detailed instructions on how to record your presentation using Webex meeting software, other recording software or other specialised software..
General instructions for recording and uploading the presentation:
- Check the tips for recording audio and video before getting started.
- Start a video call in the program you prefer (Webex, MS Teams, Zoom or Skype).
- Start sharing your presentation (using PowerPoint).
- Start recording your presentation.
- Present your slides.
- Access and download your record in MP4-format. Also check the length of the total of your presentations.
- Upload all the prerecorded videos via the digital platform (Ex Ordo), which is the same where you submitted the abstract (see here). In order to preserve the structure of the files, it is advisable to specify which video should be viewed first. For example, by clearly naming the files as “Part 1 – Title”, “Part 2 – Title”, etc.
Who can see my presentation?
These presentations can be viewed prior to the live Q&A by registered participants only, and are posted on the day of your scheduled presentation (either Wednesday 11th, Thursday 12th, or Friday 13th). All registered participants are notified that photography, recording, or reproduction of any kind is not permitted without the explicit consent of any person and/or of the author/presenter/copyright-holder(s) of the material being photographed, recorded or reproduced.
When is the deadline for uploading my presentation?
The deadline to upload your presentation is July 30th.
Round Table
A round table is an interactive live discussion (online) in the format of a webinar on a subject in which participants share their knowledge and experiences from their professional and geographical backgrounds. The time allotted for a round table is 60-90 minutes, the discussion with the rest of the audience included. The Round Tables will be live (via the platform/Webex) and will take place on Thursday August the 12th.