This page contains information and guidelines for all presenters, whether it be for an oral presentation, a workshop or a poster presentation. Please read them carefully, and contact us with all your remaining questions! Also, we’d like to remind you of our language guidelines.
Preparing your oral presentation
- Oral presentations in the different stream sessions can be 10 minutes long + 5 minutes Q&A.
- Oral presentations during the surgeons only day on Thursday 11/04 can be 5 minutes long.
- Workshops last 90 minutes.
We strongly advise all presenters to prepare their talks using PowerPoint (and not alternate presentation software). Please use standard size 16:9. A media projector with a PC laptop (not MAC) will be provided for in each conference room. Please email requests for other audio visual equipment to so that the feasibility can be determined ahead of time.
In order to avoid technical difficulties we ask you to upload your PowerPoint presentation(s) by visiting the Ex Ordo abstract submission system. PowerPoint presentations may be uploaded under “Presentations” on the Dashboard of the abstract service before April 8th. Please find detailed instruction in the ExOrdo support manual. All presentations that are uploaded before April 9th, will be available on the laptop in the conference room you’re presenting in. Only when you have given your consent, this presentation is made publicly visible to allow others to view your scientific contributions. Presenters who did not upload their presentation, are required to be present in the conference room 15 minutes before the session begins and bring their presentation on USB stick.
Preparing your poster presentation
Accepted poster presenters are required to bring and affix their research poster on Thursday April 11, 2019. Posters can be maximum paper size A1 (594 x 841 mm / 23.4 x 33.1 inch), portrait format.
During the poster session, from 16:30 – 17:30, the researcher is required to be present, to answer questions posed by passing colleagues. The audience of the conference will get the opportunity to choose the best poster from the nominated posters. The best poster award will be announced during the closing session of the conference. The conference organisers do not accept unattended posters.
Changing your abstract / uploading your final submission
If you need to make changes in your abstract, remove or add co-authors, or change presenters, please do so before March 10th at After this date no further changes will be accepted, and the abstract book will be prepared and put online. If you need help to adjust your abstract, please consult the online support system which will give you detailed step-by-step instructions. You can read those at
Don’t forget to register!
All presenters are required to register before February 28th. After this date, in case of non registration, we will need to remove non-registered presenters from the programme.