Surgical program

The 2nd EPATH conference has dedicated a lot of attention for surgical aspects into its core program. Additionally, on Friday April 7th, there will be a parallel program for surgeons only, organised in close cooperation with the European Association For Gender Surgeons (the EAFGS).

Preliminary outline of the program

09:00: Live surgery (phalloplasty, vaginoplasty): live streaming in Crown Plaza (conference location) from the Belgrade Center for Genital Reconstructive Surgery. The Iive surgery is interactive with the audience.

12.30-14.00: Lunch (as part of the EPATH program)

14.00-15.30: Live surgery: continuation.

15.30-16.00: Coffee Break

16.00-17.30: Stream Session Surgery (oral presentations)

20.00-23.00: Dinner & After Party & Poster prize announcement (as part of the EPATH program)

Surgeons are requested to register for the EPATH2017 program and are invited to take part in the EPATH conference. Surgeons can enrol in this additional program for April 7th only, by ticking the appropriate box on the registration form. Please register at (you’ll be asked to create your account first), and register for what promises to be a very exciting conference!