EPATH organises their 2nd Summer School from July 1 – July 5, 2024, at Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
The Summer School deals with the multidisciplinary approaches to the social, mental and physical well-being of transgender and gender diverse persons. Although the scientific attention for transgender health has been booming in recent decade, the scientific curricula in the involved disciplines lack dedicated in-depth attention for transgender health aspects. Furthermore, in the field of transgender health, it is of uttermost importance that the topic is accessed from a multidisciplinary perspective, with additional attention for minors as well as for adults.
By offering advanced plenary keynote lectures by experts in transgender health from different scientific backgrounds, all participants are offered the state of the art from these respective fields. All participants engage in an interactive discussion so as to obtain a better understanding of the different (complementary or opposing) insights of the different disciplines into the chosen topic. The obligated literature (two texts per keynote lecture) offers a good introduction of this respective field. In the afternoon, participants can freely choose between several interdisciplinary masterclasses, which featured selected case study presentations with a background of relevant literature, or research study proposals prepared by the participants.
Read more about the format of the Summer School and the criteria for participation here. If you want to have an idea of the programme, visit the web page about the 1st Summer School.
Registration for the 2nd Summer School will start in October 2023.
Save the date!
Note: you don’t have to be a PhD student to be able to apply for the summer school. Clinicians, other researchers and professionals, BA and MA students are also encouraged to apply.